
photograph of Olivia

Hi! I am an Assistant Professor of Computational Cognitive Science at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the School of Artificial Intelligence, at Radboud University, Netherlands.

My research interests comprise (meta)theoretical, critical, and radical perspectives on the neuro-, computational, and cognitive sciences broadly construed. Additionally, I am an Associate Editor-in-Chief for ReScience C and for the Journal of Open Source Software.

I am committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in (open) science, e.g., promoting access to technical skills training — including the broader decolonisation of cognitive and computational sciences. Relatedly, Christina Bergmann and I maintain a list of underrepresented cognitive computational scientists.


I emigrated from Cyprus to the UK in 2006 to pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science (2009; University of York, UK). After that, I moved on to an MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences (2010; University College London, UK). I then undertook a PhD in Psychological Sciences (2014; Birkbeck, UK), specifically on computational models for semantic memory.

Since obtaining my PhD, I have worked in labs at the University of Oxford, University College London, and as an independent scientist at a research centre in Cyprus. In 2020, I moved to the Netherlands to work with Andrea E. Martin, before starting as an Assistant Professor at the Radboud where I still work.


If you are interested in working with me, feel free to contact me. Prior to that, it might be worth taking a look at the following themes of research that currently interest me:

  • Critical perspectives on AI, its history, and its current state, including projects about artificial neural networks, sans hype.
  • (Meta)theory development in neuro-, cognitive, computational, and psychological sciences.
  • Human categorisation, and computational models thereof, from a perspective of what is lacking in our narrow framing of this human capacity.
